We are independent social workers, counselors and marriage & family therapists all operating under one roof. We offer services to children, teens, adults, seniors, couples and families. All of us are highly trained and experienced licensed professionals. Mission Statement: Glendale Therapy Associates, LLC, is a clinical mental health practice that provides the highest quality professional services in positive, supportive environment.
We serve our community with compassion and integrity.
We serve our community with compassion and integrity.
A psychiatrist will do an assessment and will prescribe medications that may help with your condition.
At Glendale Therapy Associates, we do not have psychiatrists on staff.
A psychologist or therapist will do "talk therapy", psychotherapy, or counseling to help you understand your problems and change your behavior, thinking, or situation.
Yes, and some research indicates that counseling and medication are more effective if done together rather than separately for certain conditions.
Yes, with certain exceptions.
At Glendale Therapy Associates, we do not have psychiatrists on staff.
A psychologist or therapist will do "talk therapy", psychotherapy, or counseling to help you understand your problems and change your behavior, thinking, or situation.
Yes, and some research indicates that counseling and medication are more effective if done together rather than separately for certain conditions.
Yes, with certain exceptions.
The therapeutic approach that he uses is a Brief Solution Focused Approach within a Systems Model, meaning when Jerry works with couples, families or individuals, he works within the context of the system (or the family).
Over the years, Mr. Andrews has found this approach to be very effective for his clients, as assessing and establishing natural supports, resources and positive change is very pervasive and leads to more successful outcomes with treatment.
Throughout our life journey we are met with numerous personal, family, and relationship challenges.
Over the years, Mr. Andrews has found this approach to be very effective for his clients, as assessing and establishing natural supports, resources and positive change is very pervasive and leads to more successful outcomes with treatment.
Throughout our life journey we are met with numerous personal, family, and relationship challenges.
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