Psychiatric and Counseling Associates (PCA4U) is providing telehealth appointments and in-person appointments for existing and new patients. Some clinicians are seeing patients in person and some are doing telehealth. For further instructions or information about these services, please contact us by email at [email protected]. If you do call the office expect to leave a message as we have a very high call volume of phone calls.
Insurers will confirm whether your plan covers telemedicine. Most insurance programs will cover telemedicine because of this healthcare crisis and we are billing appropriately. Call your insurance regarding your questions about coverage for tele-medicine. Whether you are looking for psychiatric care for yourself or a family member, we would like to help.
We treat the full range of mental health-related issues including medication management, psychotherapy, and alternative treatments. Some people with depression need more than talk therapy or medications to find relief from depression.
Insurers will confirm whether your plan covers telemedicine. Most insurance programs will cover telemedicine because of this healthcare crisis and we are billing appropriately. Call your insurance regarding your questions about coverage for tele-medicine. Whether you are looking for psychiatric care for yourself or a family member, we would like to help.
We treat the full range of mental health-related issues including medication management, psychotherapy, and alternative treatments. Some people with depression need more than talk therapy or medications to find relief from depression.
Patients who fail to show up for a new appointment and fail to notify our office they are not coming will not be allowed to reschedule until a "No Call/No Show" fee is received in our office.
Patients who are new to our clinic will not be able to schedule any further appointments should they violate the policy twice.
In the beginning of treatment, people usually need to be seen more frequently.
Follow-up with patients who started on new medication within one to three weeks regarding response to medication, side-effects, or any changes are normally scheduled for either 15 or 30 min.
Patients who are new to our clinic will not be able to schedule any further appointments should they violate the policy twice.
In the beginning of treatment, people usually need to be seen more frequently.
Follow-up with patients who started on new medication within one to three weeks regarding response to medication, side-effects, or any changes are normally scheduled for either 15 or 30 min.
This is a noninvasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression.
Some people with depression need more than talk therapy or medications to find relief from depression.
Now, there is a new hope for people with persistent depression.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is an FDA-cleared non-drug therapy for people with depression who have not benefited from previous treatments.
Psychiatric & Counseling Associates is pleased to offer NeuroStar TMS which is the state-of-the-art TMS treatment.
Some people with depression need more than talk therapy or medications to find relief from depression.
Now, there is a new hope for people with persistent depression.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is an FDA-cleared non-drug therapy for people with depression who have not benefited from previous treatments.
Psychiatric & Counseling Associates is pleased to offer NeuroStar TMS which is the state-of-the-art TMS treatment.
Always bring your insurance card with you.
We will copy it at your initial appointment and verify the information at each follow-up appointment.
A copy of the card will be made in order to bill your insurance.
Your co-payment or coinsurance is due at the time of check-in for each visit.
Please be prepared with cash, check, or credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa).
We will be available during regular business hours to schedule your appointments.
When scheduling an appointment for a minor, please be sure to inform us whether a legal guardian will be accompanying the child to the visit.
We will copy it at your initial appointment and verify the information at each follow-up appointment.
A copy of the card will be made in order to bill your insurance.
Your co-payment or coinsurance is due at the time of check-in for each visit.
Please be prepared with cash, check, or credit card (American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa).
We will be available during regular business hours to schedule your appointments.
When scheduling an appointment for a minor, please be sure to inform us whether a legal guardian will be accompanying the child to the visit.
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