Devon Suozzi, LCSW
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Devon is a licensed Clinical Social Worker practicing in New Canaan, CT. She works with children, adolescents, adults, families and groups. Devon provides individual and family therapy for children, adolescents and adults in a private practice setting. She also leads several therapeutic groups for children, adolescents and young adults. Devon takes an open-minded approach to client wellness and utilizes many different therapeutic techniques to meet the unique needs of each individual and family she works with.

She looks forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have. Devon offers counseling sessions for individuals, groups, and families and utilizes many different therapeutic approaches to treatment including play therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, behavioral and dialectical behavioral therapy.

She finds that being flexible and individualized in her treatment approach is important in helping the individuals and families she works with to achieve their therapeutic goals and objectives.
Individual counseling provides an opportunity for you to talk openly about your thoughts and feelings in a safe environment.
Family dynamics can often be challenging, whether you have a traditional or non-traditional family, I can help.
Family counseling provides an opportunity for each member of the family to openly discuss their thoughts and feelings in a safe, mediated environment.
Together, we can try to solve any familial issues.
Group psychotherapy is a unique form of therapy in which a small number of people meet together, under the guidance of a professionally trained therapist, to help themselves and one another.
Depending on age, groups will focus on learning age-appropriate conversational skills, relationship building, emotional control and problem solving skills.
Groups based on age will focus on executive function skills including: Time management, organizational skills, impulse control, and emotion regulation.
A twelve week Anger Management group based on age will be using a cognitive treatment approach.
The goal of the group will help you develop the skills that are necessary to successfully manage anger.
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