Abba-Father Counseling
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We offer serveral modalities to assist you to heal from negative experiences and connect you to the love and presence of God as your loving Abba Father, your real daddy. Christian Savory offers the services of: non-demnominational counseling, prayer counseling, Christian Counseling and Faith Based Counseling in Medford, Oregon. Christine earned her Masters degree in Education at California State Polytechnic University.

She pursued her love of teaching and obtained two life credentials from the same university. She was drawn into counseling and teaching at-risk teens, and spent twenty-five years working in alternative education programs. Her real love has always been her spiritual pursuits. As a teenager, she had a deep experience with God. As a result, she devoted the rest of her life learning how to deepen her connection to the Holy Spirit.

Her interest in the power of our mind, and its unlimited potential to blend with the "mind of God" led her to study teachings about faith, teachings of Jesus, teachings of Christian mystics, autobiographies of saints, accounts of NDE (Near Death Experiences), as well as scritptures.
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